Beautifully written Ashley. I relate to this so much. Early motherhood all near decimated my sense of self, forcing me to let go of many labels I had identified with for a very long time - it was a challenging period to say the least. Fast forward almost 11 years later and I'm on the cusp of my youngest child starting school. With the sands shifting once again, I know I'll have to find myself anew when my days are no longer spent with at least one little person by my side. Hence Clear's flexible approach makes a lot of a sense to me, esp. right now. BTW, Atomic Habits has been on my TBR for a while now and you've inspired me to get to it! xx

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Thank you for your kind words! It's always so nice to know when my words resonate... and motherhood is one of those experiences where our hand is forced. We are tethered to little humans and desperately clutching for any remnants of our identity from 'before'. It's unsettling and I can imagine the same is true when they step off into the world, letting go of your hand for the first time. I hope you can be kind to yourself in this new season! And definitely get into the book... it's so fabulous! Very insightful x

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