Jun 19Liked by Ashley Lowe

I think our energy and priorities shift, too, as we age. Once the busy season of small children passed, I felt a strong urge to focus a bit more on my needs. Right now, in my late 40s, I still have older children at home but am also rekindling friendships with dear friends from my own teen years. Many years went by without much chatting between us, as we were all so busy with babies, etc. But now it is so much fun reconnecting, and we've all evolved a bit with all our experiences.

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This is so wonderful to hear. It always feels like such a gift reconnecting with friends after a long period!

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I’m really feeling this Ashley… I do have a couple of deep long term friendships, but I’m also mourning the ones that could have been, the ones I thought would stick around, but instead fizzled out. I wondered for a long time what I did wrong and held myself back from new people… I must be healing now because some tentative new friendships are blossoming at last, and I’m learning that it’s not me, I’m not broken, I can be a good friend!

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Thank you for your kind words. It can be such a lonely, isolated experience when we ruminate on our friendships.. as we certainly feel the 'guilt' or 'loss' on a deeply personal level. As we will never really know how the other person feels, it can be a tricky path to navigate. I'm so thrilled that you are in the midst of blossoming friendships—this is one of the most intoxicating places to be I feel :) x

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Oh isn't it just? Almost like a new love affair! x

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