Holding you in these polarising feelings lovely one. What a brave and beautiful being you are for being able to witness it all and write about it here. The polarising feelings can seem so strange I think and while I cannot imagine your personal experience right now, I do often feel this conflict within when I experience the little joys of my life alongside grief and sadness, and while those around me have had their lives pulled apart. Thank you for your sharing. Xx

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You always have the most wonderful way of bringing a fresh and calming perspective ✨ thank you as always for your support x

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I have often felt little joys in my life, also alongside grief and sadness. It depends on the experience that has been the most dramatic that lens itself to frequent thoughts of that moment, even in the midst of feeling joy, things just pop in and pop out our mind, but it’s OK, I love poem called the guest house. It’s all Rumi’s poem that allows all feelings to come into our mind and let them go no matter what time of day it is especially in the morning when we get up it’s a process that helps us accept the moment and the day to come With good or not so good. It’s all ok. 🙏🏼❤️

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That’s so true.. it definitely throws everything into new relief with a lens of grief. Thank you, I’ll check out that poem as I’m not familiar x

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I feel you on this! The joy comes in tiny strange moments, it’s almost as if in the mundane I appreciate even more that these kids are mine! That I get to be their mum!

It’s magic and utterly exhausting. Last night at dinner I was hit with a dread that I’d never feel vibrant again. But an hour later while stroking my son’s head as he fell asleep on my body I felt so calm and complete. Motherhood really is such a paradox!

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Paradoxical in every respect. My husband and I were laughing yesterday as he suggested I write a 'part two' where I take back all the lovely things I said about my children in this piece as over the weekend I can assure everyone I was NOT patient, nor thrilled with the absolute shitshow that ensued in our house... but today, all is calm again. It's baffling!

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Hahaha it’s like that isn’t it! Sometimes I start writing a post, go back to it a few days later and I’m like, nope, this is not true anymore!

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Jun 7Liked by Ashley Lowe

This is beautiful. I so relate to finding yourself feeling surprisingly calm in chaos. Sometimes it’s maddening, other times it’s playing house in the most beautiful way. I’m so sorry to hear you’re navigating sickness with your mum. X

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Thank you for your kind words ✨ it’s a lesson in surrender in every sense x

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